



I’d like to make a complaint.

Do you have a complaint form?

cupboard. armario

pillow: almohada

extra pillow:

blanket: manta

pipeline: tubería

wet: humedo/humedad

lift: ascensor

heating: calefacción

maintenance service: servicio de mantenimiento

room service: servicio de habitación

responsable for maintenance: responsable de mantenimiento

I can check that for you.

Can somebody check the air conditioning in my room?

Towels are dirty

Sheets are dirty

sofa bed: sofá cama

The tap is dripping/leaking.


There is a lot of noise in the next room.

Wire: cable

extension cable: alargador

plug adapter: adaptador de enchufe

wireless X: X sin cable


How long:

Could you sign, please?

ID card:

The room the 4th floor

Breakfast is from… to…

You can find there all the services we offer.

Here you are.

Do you need some special information?

I’m very pleased.

- Speaking: hotel problems

- Reading: The Man Who Cut Off My Hair (p.6-10) ‘to move…’


- Pronunciation: -ed pronunciation

- Listening: Who's Who in the office


- Homework: Liveworksheets



- Homerwork:

P. 125 Grammar d

I didn’t cook lunch.

I didn’t help in the house.

We listened to the radio.

I phoned my/a friend last night.

I cooked vegetables and fish for dinner.

I played card games with my grandaughter yesterday.

I didn’t study English last night.

I wachted El Hormiguero on TV last night.

I wachted a film on TV last night.

I didn’t do sports yesterday morning.

I listened to the radio yesterday afternoon.

yesterday morning

yesterday afternoon

yesterday evening

last night

late at night: de madrugada

late night: nocturno

- P. 119 Reading&Listening

go back to: regresar a

organic food: comida ecológica

- P. 153 transcript 11.7

- P. 194/125 Words and Phrases to learn 11A



- Homework:

P. 95 Grammar b, c, d

I love dancing at a party.

I don’t mind driving at night.

I hate driving at night.

I don’t mind watching football.

I love swimming in the sea.

I love sitting in cafés.

The Friday before Sunday Palm.

We go shopping and for a walk.

We always have lunch my favourite food-fish and rice with milk.

We go to the church because it’s the beginning/first day of the Holy Week.

I take a nap: echarse una siesta/dar una cabezada.

-P. 87 Speaking a

- P. 88 6C Making music

Vocabulary a, b, c, d, e, f

Grammar revision:be or do

P. 220 Grammar Bank

Word Order in Questions:

ASI: Auxiliary+Subjet+Infinitive

QuASI: Question Word (What/Where/When/What time...)+Auxiliary+Subjet+Infinitive

- Homework:

P. 96 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 221 6C a, b



- Día de la Paz y la no violencia

- P. 117/65 Listening a, b, c, d

either...or: o...o…


whole=all of

The whole world= all (of) the world

apply for: postularse/solicitar/presentarse para un trabajo

applicant: solicitante/aspirante de empleo

application: solicitud de empleo

ladder: escalera/carrera en una media

tell Sue

say to Sue X

say X to Sue

- P. 117/65 Vocabulary&Speaking a, b

- P. 246/160 Vocabulary Bank confusing verbs




- P. 179 Video Listening a, b, c

- P. 186/187

- P. 180


- Reading: Gandhi (chapter 1)

- Homework

P. 185 Vocabulary d

Yes, I have eaten Japanese food in Cádiz.

I ate sushi.

Yes, I have.

No, I haven’t./No, I’ve never won any money.

I won 120 euro in the lottery.

Yes, I’ve got lost many times./Yes, I’ve often got lost.

I’m always lost.

Yes, I have. I met a famous singer, Alejandro Sanz.

Yes, I’ve met a lot of famous people. I met Pierce Brosnan.

P. 178 Reading a, b,

I find interesting (that) he doesn’t speak any foreing languages.

I believe..

I like the fact (that) he loves the River Thame because I do like it too.

I find interesting (that) he hardly ever listens to music at home. He prefers going out to a concert.

I can’t believe (that) he enjoys a late night sudoku.

I find intersting (that) sir McKellen won his first money working as an actor when he was a student at CU.

I find intersting (that) he wants to learn to play an instrument.

I like the fact (that) his favourite room in living room where he eats and cooks.

I like the fact (that) he is interested in going to India for the first time in February, the same as me/and I also would like to go to India.

I believe tha...



- Listening: Understanding an explanation



I don’t get it: No lo entiendo.

This is how it works.: Así es cómo funciona.

one at a time: una por una

No question is ever silly: Ninguna preguna es tonta.

It’s tough/hard/diffucult

research: investigación científica

researcher: investigador

investigation: investigación (término generalizado)

Violence against women


- Speaking: What was thes last lecture you went to about?

Did the professor explain it clearly?

- Hotel Problems: Hotel Problems

put through to: pasar con alguien (al teléfono)

bother: molestar (informal)

disturb: interrumpir (formal)

1.How often do you stay at hotel for your work?

2.What hotel services are important for you?

3.Whatch the video and answer the questions:

- Which services does the receptionist offer Patricia?

* Would you like a wake up call?

* Breakfast

* Would you like a newspaper?

* Wi-fi

* Would you like help with your bags?

- Which services does Patricia ask about?

- What are the problems?

* Can somebody check the air conditioning in my room?

Did you find the dial on the wall?

I can check that for you.

* Is there something wrong with the (wi-fi) connection?

* Do you need a taxi?

* I do need to find a cash machine first.

Is there one near here?

* Do you need anything else?



- P. 124 Vocabulary

Grammar a, b, c

talk to: hablar con

- P. 119/125 Pronuncition a, b, c regular past simple endings

- P. 119 Speaking

Yes: Me too.Yo también. (afirmativa)

No: Neither me. Yo tampoco.(Negativa)

- Homerwork:

P. 125 Grammar d


- P. 87 Grammar like+ (verb+-ing) a, b, c, d

- P. 220 Grammar bank like+ (verb+-ing)

- P. 221 Grammar bank like+ (verb+-ing) a, b

-ing form=gerund

- P. 94 Grammar a

- Homework:

P. 94 Grammar b, c


- Homework:

227/141 8B a, b

halves: mitades

half:mitad, media

anybody else: nadie más

write down: anotar/apuntar

write it down: anotarlo/apuntarlo

nicely: amablemente/agradablemente

kindly: amablemente/agradablemente

move: moverse, cambiarse, mudarse.

Miss: perder/echar de menos

directions: indicaciones/instrucciones

direction: sentido (way)

drive you home: llevarte a casa en coche.

make an appointment: concertar una cita

It take long: llevar mucho tiempo en hacer algo

a well: un pozo

well: bien(adv)

wishing well: pozo del los deseos

P. 124/56 a, b, c

- P. 116/64 Gramamar d, e

1. there won’t be your number.

they won’t have your/ size.


2. you’ll find them all busy.

you won’t find any(one).

you won’t find any(one) free. 


3. you’ll stain it.

everything will fall on it.

something will drop on it. 


4. you’ll get/receive an important call.

you’ll get/receive many calls.

you’ll get nervous.


5. they’ll score a goal.

you won’t be able to see/watch the goal.


can=be able

you’ll be able: podrás

you won’t be able: no podrás

I can=I’m able


- Homework: Business Cards


- Reading&Speaking: The Man Who Cut Off My Hair (p.6-10) ‘to move…’


fright: miedo (n)

frighten: asustar (v)

afraid: asustado (adj)

frightened: asustado (adj)

wonder=ask: preguntar

hold: agarrar/sujetar/coger

throat: garganta

handle: mango (n)

handle: manejable (adj)

hit: golpear

please: agradar, complacer, hacer feliz

cut off: cortar

cut it off: cortarlo

It take me long: He tardado mucho tiempo

It didn’t take me long: No he tardado mucho tiempo

-Homework: Free Time



- 11A A new life in the USA past simple regular verbs

- P. 118 Grammar a,b, c, d, e

follow: seguir

abroad: en el extranjero

both: ambos

ask: pedir, preguntar

so many: muchos

journey=trip: viaje

- P.174/175 Grammar Bank 11A a, b

more or less: más o menos


ASI: Auxiliary (Did)+Subject+Infinitive

QASI: Question Word+Auxiliary (Did)+Subjct+Infinitive

- Homework:

P. 124 Vocabulary&Grammar a, b, c,



P. 94 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 86 Reading a, b, c

warm: temperatura templada

New Year’s Resolutions: propósitos de Año Nuevo

break: romper

short of money: corta de dinero

less: menos

lesser than: menos que

the least: el/la menos

Yes, I agree.

No, I don’t agree.

agree: estar de acuerdo

heat: calor

hot: caliente

I don’t like the heat: No me gusta el calor.

rest: descansar

flatmate: compañero de piso

mate: compañero/colega

set my alarm: poner mi alarma

set the alarm: poner la alarma

The Tube: Metro de Londres

journey: viaje/trayecto

light: luminoso


-P. 123/55 Vocabulary a, b, c, d

satnav: navegador

feel like: apetecer

The red one: el/la rojo

much better: mucho mejor

much lesser: mucho menos

much worse: mucho peor

I think I should permit somebody to do the housework.

I think I should exercise/do exercise even more.

8B Murphy’s Law

- P. 116/64 Reading a, b, c, d

                  Grammar a, b, c, d

- Grammar Bank 226/140 first conditional

227/141 8B a, b

instead of: en lugar de

- Homework:

227/141 8B a, b

P. 124/56 a, b, c


- P.185 a, b, c

- P. 177 Speaking

Verb forms: infinitive-past simple-past participle form

Because I had nothing important to do.

Beacause I hadn’t anything important to do.

miss: perder(se)

embarrassed: avergonzada/cortada

friendliness/charm: simpatía (Marisol)

I said...

I had it in my twenties.

I had it when I was younger.

- P. 178 12C The English File interview

Reading a

- Homework:


P. 185 Vocabulary d

P. 178 Reading a, b,


- P. 183 Vocabulary c

9. Have you met a famous person?

10. Have you left a bag in the cinema?

11. Have you bought a film on DVD?

12. Have you fallen asleep during a film?


- 184 Grammar a, b, c

- P. 177 Vocabulary

- P. 251 Irregular Verbs

- P. 177/185 Pronunciation irregular past participles a, b

- Homework:

P. 185 Vocabulary a, b, c, d



Speaking: Practical English: Restaurant problems (fotocopy)

Listening: Transport announcements




P. 112 Grammar&Vocabulary


1. b

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. a

6. a

7. b

8. b

9. b

10. a

11. b

12. a

13. b

14. a

15. b


a. 1. waiting

2. phoning

3. carrying

4. arriving

5. wearing

b. 1. dress

2. jacket

3. shirt

4. skirt

5. suit

6. troursers

7. hat

c. 1. Reception

2. lift

3. gift shop

4. bathroom

5. car park


1. under

2. on

3. on

4. under

5. in


1. in

2. on

3. at



1. bird

2. egg

3. chair

4. ear

5. train


bike, nine, fine

1. bird, were

2. egg, never, men, September, leg, umbrella

3. chair, where, air

4. ear, here

5. train, table, Monday

Can you understand this text?

a bit: un poco

hurry: darse prisa

Here we come: Allá vamos

ham: jamón

perhaps: quizás, a lo mejor


look around: dando una vuelta/paseo/mirando

cosy: acogedor

-Homework: Liveworksheets Test Unit 1




- What’s the day today?

Today is Tuesday, (the)17th (of) January 2023

Today is Wednesday, (the)18th (of) January 2023

- What’s the day tomorrow?

Tomorrow is Wednesday, (the)18th (of) January 2023

Tomorrow is Thursday, (the)19th (of) January 2023

- P. 86 Vocabulary&Pronunciation

Public holidays in Spain in 2023 b, c, d, e, f, g

6th January: The Three Wise Men/The Three Kings

7th April: Good Friday

1st May: International Worker’s Day

15th August: Assumption of Mary

12th October: National Day of Spain

1st November: All Saints’ Day

6th December: Spanish Constitution Day

8th December: Inmaculate Conception

25th December: Christmas Day

- P. 93 Pronunciation a, b, c

P. 95 Pronunciation a, b,

- P. 86 Listening a, b

- Homework:

P. 94 Vocabulary a, b, c


P. 115/63 Vocabulary&Speaking a, b, c, d, e

P. 245/159 Vocabulary Bank get

Means of transport


Get in(to) + car, taxi

Get on + bus, train, bicycle, horse…

Con los barcos se utilizará go on board (embarcar)


Get out of + car, taxi

Get off + bus, train, bicycle, horse, ship…

sense of direction:

sentido de la orientación

directions: indicación

signs: señales


breathing: respiración

breath: respirar

I’m used to +-ing: tengo la costumbre de…

I’m used to reading: Tengo la costumbre de leer.

Slippers: babuchas

put on: ponerse una prenda


I get naked: me desnudo

I take off all my clothes, have a shower and put on the pyjama.

I use GPS so that I don’t get lost: Uso el GPS para no perderme.

The 3 Wise Men

The 3 Kings

The 3 Magi

wireless headphones: auriculares


P. 123/55 Vocabulary a, b, c, d



- Reading&Speaking: As the inspector said https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPhMqCjxH3A

- Speaking: Restaurant problems


Speaking: Practical English: Restaurant problems (fotocopy)



- P. 117 b

I was snoring: estaba roncando

snore: roncar


in my house= at home

- P. 111Pronunciation&Speaking a

- P. 111 Video Listening Buildings with past

a building: edificio

to build: construir, edificar

to keep: guardar

lock: cerradura

marble: mármol

on each one: en cada uno

almost: casi

for almost: por casi

cellar: sótano

vault: cámara acorazada/caja fuerte

Yes, I would/Yes, I’d like to.

Why? Because

- P. 194/117 Words and Phrases to Learn

- Homework:

P. 112 Grammar&Vocabulary

113 Can you understand this text? a, b

Video: Prepositions in, on, at (en inglés y en español)



- P. 85 Speaking





search: buscar

notice: darse cuenta

in return: a cambio

6B The third Friday in June

- P. 86 Vocabulary&Pronunciation

- P. 245 Vocabualry Bank

dump: humedo mojado

What’s the weather like?

It’s cold, windy, cloudy, wet and raining. It’s winter time, at last!

What season is it?

It’s winter.


Liveworksheet (ordinals&dates)

What’s the day today?

What’s the day tomorrow?


- P. 115/63 Listening&Speaking

guess the problem: adivina el problema.

to save: ahorrar (tiempo o dinero)

safe (adj.): a salvo

go on holiday: ir de vacaciones.

The problem:

1. Annabel&Peter

- the son wants to go on an expensive two weeks holiday to Mexico with some friends.

- their son lives with them.

- he works as a chef but doesn’t earn enough money to pay a rent/his own place to live.

- his parents think he should save money instead going on holiday to Mexico.

- he works full time and they also think he needs a break.

- What should we do?

full-time job (adj.): trabajo a tiempo completo/jornada completa.

full time (noun): He works full time

hyphen: guión

part time: a tiempo parcial/media jornada

he works shifts: trabaja a turnos.

pay it back: devolver el dinero pagando.

share a flat: compartir un piso

a deadline: fecha límite.


Hi there! (informal)

2. Nick&his girlfriend

- they have a great three-year relationship

- they live together in Bolton.

- she wants to move to London because she wants to find a better job.

- he has a good job in Bolton and he is quiet and hardworking.

- she wants him to go to London with her.

- he doesn’t want to move to London bur he’s afraid to lose his girfriend if he doesn’t go.

refuse: rechazar

3. Jane, Susan&Angie


- P.176 Listening a, b, c, d

annoying: molesto/a

It’s not of my kind: No es de mi gusto.

I’ve eaten in Turkish and Japanese restaurants.

I’ve eaten Turkish and Japanese food.

You’re a foodie.

It’s a Chinese food restaurant.

end of term: periodo de tiempo (final del trimestre/cuatrimestre)

- P. 176 Grammar Present Perfect or Past Simple? A, b

Have you been to…? ¿Has estado en.../Has ido a…?

- P. Grammar Bank 232/233 12 B a, b, c

tell smth to smone: decir algo a alguien

tell smone smth: decir a alguien algo

speak to smone about smth: hablar de/sobre algo a alguien

- Homework:

P. 183 Vocabulary c

184 Grammar a, b, c


- P. 175: Vocabulary a, b, c, d, e

              Listening&Speaking a, b, c, d, e

fall in love: enamorarse

fall asleep: dormirse

can’t help: no puedo evitar

soundtrack: banda sonora

season: temporada

a couple: un par de

seven hours a day: 7 horas al día

Blade Runner

at least ten times

box set: all the episodes

one after another: uno detrás de otro

It usually takes me a long time to read a book.

Cold Play, Cristina Aguilera, Imagine Dragons

The Hunger Games, Catching Fire

- P. 182 Pronunciation a, b, c

- Homework: Liveworsheets


courses: tipos de platos

snack/appetizer: aperitivo

starter: 1er plato

main course: plato principal

dessert: postre

desert: desierto

tip: propina

compulsory: obligotorio

Can I have a table for two, please?

A table for two, please?

I’ll have/I’d like

Can/Could I have...?

The bill, please.

Can/Could we have the bill, please?

Can/Could you bring the bill, please?

How much is it?

Can I pay by credit card?

- Speaking: Practical English-Restaurant problems (fotocopy)

Fries o baked potatoes?

raw: crudo

rare: poco hecho

medium: al punto

well done: muy hecho

still water: agua sin gas

sparkling water: agua con gas

Are you ready to order?

- Homework:

Listening: Eating Out 

Speaking: Practical English- Restaurant problems (fotocopy)



- P. 116 Grammar a, b, c

I’m not in a hurry this morning: No tengo prisa esta mañana.

café: cafetería

coffee: café

in bed: a la cama/en la cama

- P. 117 Vocabulary a

- P. 111 Vocabulary e

She was on a train.

- Homework:

P. 117 b

Prepositions in, on, at: 




-P. 93 Vocabulary a, b, c


worth: valer

few: poco+contable

little: poco+incontable

countryside/country: campo

country: pais



sales assistant: vendedora/dependiente

sales: ventas

sell: vender

go into: entrar

inside: adentro

into: dentro

- P. 85/93 Pronunciation

- Homework:

P. 85 Speaking


- P. 122/54 Grammar a, b

- P. 114/62 c Grammar should: use should/shouldn’t/ought to/ought not to

I find it difficult/easy to…: encuentro difícil/fácil

                                           me es difícil/fácil

seem: parecer

apologize: disculparse

I’m sorry: lo siento

I apologize: te pido disculpas/lo siento

notify the police: notificar a la policía

impose/set a fine: poner una multa

ask them to put the music down: pedirles que bajen la música

weekend trip: viaje de fin de semana

talk to her: hablar con

tell her: decir/contar algo a alguien

say to her: decirle a

speak to her: hablar con

call her: llamarla (por teléfono)

talk about X with her: hablar con ella sobre algo

why it’s not good for him to have it

He’s very young to have a smart phone.

He’s very young for having a smart phone.

You should explain, one more time, why you don’t want to buy/give him one.



54/122 a, b

- Homework:




nonsense: tonterías

bullshits: tonterías

to be fired: ser despedido

I’m fed up: estar harto/a

to quit a job: dejar un trabajo


give up= dejar/abandonar/rendirse

Listening: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/a2-listening/leaving-a-message

Speaking: How often do you make phone calls in English?

Do you agree Maggie’s speech? What would you do if you were her?

Reading: Slow Food (Five Short Plays)


P. 110 10B Where were you? a, b, c, d, e

P. 172/173 10B Grammar Bank past simple a,b

Job: What do you do?

What’s your job?

What’s your occupation?

On a ship

- Homework:

P. 116 Grammar a, b, c

P. 117 Vocabulary a



- P. 84 Reading&Listening a, b, c

I don’t have: no tengo

I haven’t got: no tengo

I have no: no tengo

in return: de vuelta/ a cambio

He thinks Walid is deceiving him.

- P. 84 Vocabulary a, b


-P. 93 Vocabulary a, b, c



Unit 8- Sould I stay or should I go?

P. 114/62 Reading&Listening a, b, c

P. 229/112 Transcript

It depends!

It depends on…

host: anfitrión/propietario de un pequeño alojamiento

a TV host: presentador

a piece of advice= an advice: un consejo

a piece: un trozo de… (contable)


so on: etc

in a hurry: deprisa

pros and cons= advantages and disadvantages

P. 114/62 a, b, c Grammar should

226/140 & 226/141 8A Grammar Bank

It’s getting late: Se está haciendo tarde

Song:Simply Red- Jericho



- P. 122/54 Grammar a, b

- P. 114/62 c Grammar should: use should/shouldn’t/ought to/ought not to 



Review: Unit 12 174/175/232/233/182

P. 175 Pronunciation

a sci-fi film: pinícula de siensia afisió

It’s very moving: Es muy conmovedora.