





P. 18/19 Grammar present simple a, b, c


Adverbs of frequency:

  • Always (siempre)

  • Usually ( usualmente)

  • Normally // Generally (normalmente // generalmente)

  • Often // Frequently (frecuentemente // a menudo)

  • Sometimes (algunas veces)

  • Occasionally (ocasionalmente)

  • Seldom (pocas veces)

  • Hardly ever // Rarely (casi nunca // rara vez)

  • Never (nunca)

P. 213 Grammar Bank 1B a, b

- P. 11 Communication 188/194

She’s a woman on her 50s.

She’s a woman on her 60s.

She’s on her early 50s.(50-54)

She’s on her mid 50s. (54-56)

She’s on her late 50s. (57-60)

(marital) status: estado civil

her own bussiness: su propio negocio

similar tastes: gustos similares

in between: en medio

fun: divertida

funny: graciosa


- P. 11 Listening a

- P. 206 1.19 transcript

- Homework:

Carnival of Cádiz

costume: disfraz

fancy dress: disfraz



Eater: Pascua

Holly Week: Semana Santa

dress up=disguise: disfrazarse

fancy-dress costume: disfraz elaborado

furthermore: además


once in a lifetime: una vez en la vida


- Video Listening: Mardi Gras Carnival


- Reading: Carnival od Cádiz


- Speaking:

Which is the best carnival in the world for you?


-Unit 12 Review:

P. 138/139

P. 134/135

miss my family: echarde menos a la familia

miss someone: echar de menos a alguien

lost my family: perder a la familia

go out=hang out (salir decasa para el ocio)

leave: abandonar/salir de un sitio

What is your name? TO BE

What was his name? TO BE

Where did you go last night? QuASI

Did you go to the cinema last night? ASI

go back: regresar

come back: regresar



P. 98 Reading a, b, c, d

look like: parecerse

success: éxito

howerver: sin embargo

but: pero

slaugtherhouse: matadero

anti-war: antibelicista

caretaker: portero/conserje

lift operator:

1980s: los 80

80s: los 80

the eighties: los 80

fine arts: bellas artes

classmates: compañera/o de clase

realistic: realista

similar: parecidos/similares


Unit 9 Beware of the dog

P. 128/70 Vocabulary/Pronunciation a, b, c, d, e

beware of: cuidado con/tener cuidado con

1. hen/chicken/cock

2. horse

3. monkey/chimpanzee

4. snake

5. cat

6. dog

7. lion

8. cow

P. 247/161 Vocabulary Bank


bear /ˈbɛər/ oso

beard /ˈbɪərd/ barba

beer /ˈbɪər/ cerveza

bird /bɜːd/ pájaro

bed /ˈbed/ cama

- Homework:

P. 136/60 Vocabulary

whoever: cualquier persona

kind: tipo

tip: truco/consejo


- Video Listening: Carnival



waft: flotar en el aire

build up: construir/elevarse

- Reading: The Man Who Cut Off My Hair (p.10-12)

- Homework:

Which is the best carnival in the world for you? Why?


- Homework:

136/137 Grammar past simple: regular and 

irregular verbs a, b, c, d

ask to marry me: pedir que te cases conmigo

get marry: casarse



over there: allí

over here: aquí

a bit= un poco (contables e incontables)

a little= un poco (incontables)

a few= un poco (contable)

- P. 131 Video Listening Strangers on a train

- P. 194 Words and phrases to learn

- P. 137


- Homework:

P. 134/135

P. 138/139



 medium build: estatura media

complexion: color de piel

fair: rubio/a

light brown: castaña clara

length: longitud

medium length/shoulder lenght

plait: trenza

plaited: trenzado

grey hair:

white hair:

chatty: habladora/charlatana

in fact: de hecho

I’m like…: Soy como (personalidad)

I’m not like…: No soy como

I look like…: Me parezco a... (apariencia)

I don’t look like…: No me parezco a…

fun: ameno/divertido

funny: gracioso

I want you to do something

I don’t you to do something

I want him to end up alone

She doesn’t want her dad to end up alone.

He finds dates online now.

date: cita

dating: tener una cita

She wrote Clint’s dating profile.

Because she is the person who knows

her father best.

Beacuse she is the best person who 

knows her father.

1 person

2 people


- P. 10 Vocabulary e, f, g

- P. Grammar present simplea, b

- P. 212 Grammar Bank 1B

- P. Pronunciation final -s and -es a, b

- Homework:

P. 18/19 Grammar present simple a, b, c

P. 213 Grammar Bank 1B a, b



- Listening


have a date: tener una cita

go on a date: tener una cita

What on earth…? ¿Qué diantres…?

What the fuck…? ¿Qué c…?

give up: dejar de hacer algo

Don’t give up! No te rindas!

- Meeting face-to-face Listening&speaking


It's so good to finally meet you in person.

It's great to put a face to a name.

How are you finding it?

Has Emir set you up with an email address?

Is there anything else you need?

Let me know if I can help at all.

What are you doing later? A beer or a coffee?

I haven't got any plans.

How long are you going to stay here?

Do you have a car? How do you get to work?

Where are you going to live?

Where can I eat well?

Do you have any friends or relatives here?

What did you do before?



- P. 131 Reading&Listening Strangers on a train 

Part 2

Grammar past simple: regular and irregular verbs  

a, b, c, d

- P. 176/177 Grammar Bank past simple: regular 

and irregular verbs

worry: preocuparse

- P. 136/137 Vocabulary

I told a story to my grandchildren last night.

fairy tale: cuento (de hadas)

fairy: hada

a tale: cuento

- Homework:

136/137 Grammar past simple: regular and 

irregular verbs a, b, c, d


- P. 223 Grammar 7A a, b

- P. 106 Grammar a, b, c

- P. 98 Pronunciation b

- P. 107 Pronunciation sentece stress a, b

He’s wrong/He was wrong

Él está equivocado/Él estaba equivocado

You’re right/You were right: Tienes razón

to be right: tener razón

right: derecho (adv)

right; un derecho (n)

to be wrong: estar equivocado

wrong: mal, error

I have rights. Tengo derechos

straight: recto



Unit 8 Review

- P. 120/68 Pronunciation,

- P. 121/69 Reading& Listening

- Liveworksheets

- Homework:

  Unit 8 Test



- Speaking: Mercury VS Jupiter

Mercury is the first planet from the Sun/ in the Solar System.

Mercury’s surface has a lot of craters.

rock planet

gas planet

Is it possible there is life in Mercury?

How long does Jupiter’s rotation take?

How long does it take?

- Video: Dating (St. Valentine’s Day)


- Reading: The Man Who Cut Off My Hair (p.6-10) ‘to move…’ (p. 7/10)




Unit 12 Stangers on a train

P. 130 Vocabulary&Pronunciation regular and irregular verbs a, b, c

When do we double the consonant in past simple verbs?

We double the consonant when the verb ends in consonant + vowel + consonant. This is always true when the verb is one syllable.

  • stop ⇒ stopped, plan ⇒ planned, shop ⇒ shopped, rob ⇒ robbed.

When the verb is two syllables, we only double the consonant when the STRESS is in the last syllable.

  • reFER ⇒ referred, preFER ⇒ preferred, reGRET ⇒ regretted

But we do NOT double the consonant when the STRESS is NOT in the last syllable.

  • VIsit ⇒ visited, ANswer ⇒ answered.

- P. 195 Regular&irregular verbs

- Homework:

Unit 11 Test


- P. 98 Grammar past simple of be a, b, c, d

- P. 201 Transcript 7.1

Sunflowers: Girasoles

The Starry Night: Noche estrellada

The room: La habitación

star: estrella

starry: estrallada

Too famous: demasiado famoso

Too valued/rated: demasiado valorado

Next day:

P. 98 Pronunciation b

P. 107 Pronunciation sentece stress a, b

- Homework:

P. 223 Grammar 7A a, b

  P. 106 Gramma a, b, c



unless: a menos que

- P. 119/67 Vocabulary&Writing adverbs of manner a, b, c,

matter: asunto, cuestión

- P. 127/59 Vocabulary adverbs of manner a, b, c

- P. 120/68 Grammar, Vocabulary&Pronunciation

- Homework:

- P. 119/67 Vocabulary&Writing adverbs of manner d

- Unit 8 Test




- P. 236 Vocabulary Bank describing



What does he/she look like? ¿Cómo es? 


like: gustar

like: como (comparativo)

look like: parecer(se)

blonde: mujer rubia

blond: hombre rubio

fair: rubio/a

What’s he/she like?¿Cómo es? 


clever: inteligente

smart: inteligente (avispado,



wise: sabio/a

a reddish: una pelirroja/o

a brunette: una morena

a blonde: una rubia

a blond: un rubio

medium lenght/ shoulder lenght: media 


She’s (got) medium lenght straight brown hair.

asshole: mamón, capullo, gili…

mean: tacaño

lovely: encantador

a teddy: un osito

He’s a foddie.

stubburn: cabezota, terco, tenaz

- Homework:

Descriptions: Describing people


P.18 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 10 Reading d, e, f



@ at

. dot







1B The perfect date?

P. 10. Vocabulary&Reading a, b

- Homework:

P. 213 Grammar Bank word order in questions

P. 236 Vocabulary Bank describing people


- Listening: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/b1-listening/a-student-discussion

- Speaking: compare two planets

Esperaza II: Saturn

Isabel: Neptune

Mercedes: Venus

Moisés: Mars

Felipe: Earth

Encarni: Jupiter

David: Uranus

Gloria o Paqui: Mercury


- Homework:

P. 127 Grammar d

- I got up at 8 am/in the morning.

- No, I didn’t. Just a coffee.

Yes, I did. I had coffee and toast.

- I had lunch in/at a restaurant. Yes, it was a nice lunch.

I had lunch at home. Yes, it was.

- I went home early, at (about) 7 pm.

I went home at (about) 8 pm.

Yes, I did housework and homework.

Yes, I did both.

Both: ambos/as

I had fruit and milk.

Yes, I had a good day. Fantastic!

Yes, I did. I had a good day. Fantastic!

Yes, I did. I went walking on the beach with friends.

Yes, I did. I went walking by the beach with friends.

- P 121. Reading a, b c, d, e

by: el medio por el que se hace algo (transportes, autores de libros, obras de arte en general)

caption: pie de foto

a film: película

to film: filmar

skydiving/skydive: hacer paracaidismo

a skydive: salto en paracaidas.

Soldier: soldado

Normal things:

get up, have breakfast, have a shower, cook, talk with family, go shopping, go to the park, talk on Skype, clean shoes, a small boy kiss her mother

Unusual things:

do a skydive, arrive in Kathmadu on a bike, shave for the first time, get married, triavel around the world, get a first job, a boy went home in 3 years, a woman went to hospital for an operation

luck: suerte

lucky: afortunado

wash: lavar/fregar

clean: limpiar

- P. 194/127 Words and Phrases to learn

- Homework:

Unit 11 Test



- P. 89 Video Listening A London busker

busker: músico callejero

busk: tocar música en la calle

perform=play music

perform: actuar

performance: actuación

ask: preguntar/ pedir

- P. 89/201 Writing an informal email

day off: día libre







I live alone.

- P. 90 5&6 Review

- Homework:

P. 201 d, e Write an informal email (escribir en un folio aparte para entregar)




- P. 119/67 Grammar possessive pronouns

- P. 226/140 Grammar Bank possessive pronouns

227/141 8C a, b

- P. 126/58 Pronunciation a, b

Grammar a, b, c

Whose bag is it/this/that (over there)?

Whose books are they/these/those (over there)?

look for: buscar

look after: cuidar

look at: mirar a

look like: parecerse

look: mirada, imagen

look into: mirar dentro

- P. 119/67 Video Listening

cook: cocinero/a

cooker: fogón/hornillo

ceramic stove: vitrocerámica

Because I didn’t expect who Vivienne and Héloise were.

- Homework:

Liveworksheet (1st conditional)

Listening: Meeting a new team member


- Speaking: reacting to what people say

solve: resolver

as I asked: como pedí

Sorry, Madam:

wake up call: llamada despertador

answer the call:

Hold the line, please: Manténgase a la espera.

I’ll call you back later: Le llamaré más tarde.

Drop me a line= Call me

I’ll send you someone/somebody to solve the problems.

fix: reparar

solve the problem:

I’ll also send you an appetizer/brunch to compensate for the breakfast.

compensate: make up for


What nonsense! Qué tontería!

earthquake: terremoto

sign: fichar



- Homework:

P. 175 a, b

P. 126 Vocabulary

P. 126/7 Grammar a, b, c (opcional)

- P. 121 Pronunciation& Speaking a, b

- P. 143 Your day (Speaking)

enjoy: disfrutar

How did you get there?

I went on foot.

I went walking.

I went by taxi/ bus/train/plane/bike/scooter.



- P. 97 Grammar a, b, c

- P. 89/97 Pronunciation a, b c, d

1. a beautiful tune

2. a young musician/ I am a musician

3. music students

4. your yoga teacher

5. the New Year

good, great, fantastic, nice, perfect, wonderful, amazing

terrible, horrible, bad, awful, boring, pain in the ass, strident

I don’t like them at all.

I don’t like him/her at all.

I don’t like it at all.

I like all kind/type of music.


- P. 125/57 Vocabulary a, b, c, d.


- I’ll listen a postcast on Alexa.

- Yes, I have. I lost and found a jewel.

- I never look at old photos because they are in a box in a closet.

- It depends on the moment. I sometimes listen to pop music or jazz.

- I don’t remember.

- I’ll go to bed to slepp early.

- I lost and found my glasses. They were on my head.

- I like looking at old photos a lot. I always look at them when it’s a free day.

- I listen to pop music, classic music or heavy metal.

- No, I’ve never won a prize.

- I’ll listen to the radio.

- I lost something very important for me and It was very difficult to find.


- Once or twice a year. I like looking at old photos.

A Christmas hamper: cesta de navidad

laundry hamper: cesto/a para la ropa (sucia)

P. 118/66 8C Who is Vivienne?

- Reading a, b, c

- Pronunciation a, b

so far: hasta aquí/ hasta entonces

suspicious: desconfiado

H wanted V to live with him.

H wanted V to be his wife.

H wanted V to go to his house/home.

- Homework:

Liveworksheet (1st conditional)


- P. 16/17 Vocabulary&Grammar

- P. 9 Pronunciation a, b, c, d, e

P. 17 Pronunciation a, c, b

- P. 9 Listening&Speaking a

- Homework: Unit 12 Test 


NEW BOOK A2/B1!!!!!

1A Are you? Can you? Do you? Did you?

P. 8 Vocabulary&Speaking a, b, c, d

P.9 Grammar word order in questions a,b

P. 212/213 Grammar Bank 1A word order in questions a, b

- Homework:

P. 16/17 Vocabulary&Grammar


My room floods: Mi habitación está inundada.

There is a lot of water on the floor/in the bathroom.

The floor is wet.

There is a big damp patch on the ceiling.

damp patch: mancha de humedad.

Brochure: folleto

bed clothes: ropa de cama

So thankful/Thank you very much/ I appreciate

supply: suministros

supplier: proveedor

to keep an eye out: echarle un ojo

pay on delivery: pago al contado/a la entrega

First time song: First time

- Homework:

- Listening: Free time

- Liveworksheets



look for: buscar

11B How was your day?

- P. Vocabulary a, b, c

Listening a, b, c

What about…? Qué tal…?

Grammar past simple irregular verbs: get, go, have, do a, b, c

- P. 174/175 Grammar Bank 11B a, b

- Homework:

P. 175 a, b

P. 126 Vocabulary

P. 126/7 Grammar a, b, c (opcional)



- Homework:

P. 96 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 221 6C a, b

fingers: dedos de las manos

toes: dedos de los pies

fight: pelear

fighters: luchador

I am tired Are you tired?

I am hungry? Are you hungry?

I am stressed. Are you stressed?

I have a car. Do you have a car?

I am 52 (year old). How old are you?

I’m sad.

I’m busy: Estoy ocupado/a Are you busy?

Have a shower

near here

I’m late. Am I late?

Where does she go in the mornings?

Where is she going NOW?

- P. 88 Grammar c

- P. Speaking

tate: gusto

tates: gustos

download: descargarse o bajarse

radio station: emisora de radio

around town/city: por el pueblo/ ciudad







- Homework:

P. 97 Grammar a, b, c


- P. 246/160 Vocabulary Bank confusing verbs a, b

miss:es en realidad perder algo en el tiempo, es decir, un suceso que tiene un principio y un final. 

lose: si no encuentras un objeto, este es el verbo que tienes que usar. Puesto que lose quiere decir que pierdes algo. También se usa para hablar de sentimientos

lose your temper: perder la calma

- P. 117/65 Vocabulary&Speaking c

- P. Pronunciation homophones a, b

1. wear/where /ˈwɛə/

2. know/no /nəʊ/

3. meet/meat /ˈmiːt/

4. weight/wait /ˈweɪt/

5. write/right /ˈraɪt/

6. one/won /ˈwʌn/

7. see/sea /ˈsiː/

8. war/wore /ˈwɔː/

1. I can see the sea from here.

2. I write with my right hand.

3. He won one game.

4. I know there’s no hope.

P. 125/57 Pronunciation a

1. I’m sorry I don’t know the answer.

2. What are you going to wear to party?

3. The hotel has lovely views of the sea.

4. I wore my new dress to the party.

5. Promise you write to me.

6. Let’s meet tomorrow in …

7. I really need to lose some weight.

8. A table for one, please.

- Homework:

P. 125/57 Vocabulary a, b, c, d