


UBI 2BT (21th JUNE)

Unit 9 Test Review


UBI 3BT (21th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 162/90 Vocabulary c

P. 170/78 Vocabulary a, b

- P. 163 Grammar so, neither+auxiliaries a, b, c, d, e, f

- P. 232/146 Grammar Bank 11C


UBI 4M (20th JUNE)

- Reading:


to be about to: estar a punto de

to pull sb into piece: hacer pedazos a alguien

- Listening&Speaking: IA&Chat GPT


Advantages and disadvantages of using AI and ChatGPT?


UBI 2AM (20th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 56 Reading&Listening b, c, d

la tarde: the evening (sustantivo)

tarde: late (adverbio)

mood: estado de ánimo

bad mood: mal humor

quite far away: bastante lejos

extra thing: cosas extras

honey: miel

main: principal

main hobby: mi hobby preferido

marks: notas de examen

get good marks: sacar buenas notas

straight away: directo/derecho

spend: pasar tiempo o gastar dinero

They both: Ambos

earlier: más temprano

- P. 57 Grammar prepositions of time and place a, b, c, d

- P. 216 Grammar Bank 4B

- Homework:

P. 65 Grammar prepositions of time and place a, b, d, c

P. 217 Grammar Bank 4B a, b



UBI 2BT (19th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 226/227 9C Comparative adjectives b

P. 140/141 a, b, c

- P. 141 Pronunciation a, b, c

dangerous-safe: peligroso-seguro



- P. 133 Pronunciation&Speaking a, b, c

1. Carrots are sweeter than tomatoes.

2. Air travel is safer than train travel.

3. London is wetter than Milan.

4. A horse is heavier than a car.

5. Oranges are healthier than strawberries.

6. Istanbul is further north than N.Y.

- Homework for summer:

1. Readable (lecturas adaptadas)

2. LingoClip (canciones)

3. British Council:



UBI 3BT (19th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 169/77 Vocabulary a, b, c

Existen palabras con "gh" que también hacen el sonido /f/ en inglés:

  • enough /ɪˈnʌf/

  • cough /kɑf/

  • tough /tʌf/

  • laugh /læf/

  • rough /rʌf/

to have an argument: tener una discusión/discutir

to argue: discutir

take an advice: seguir un consejo

- P. 161/89 Vocabulary d, e

I never got excited for any invention.

healthy: saludable

health: salud

11C Twinstranger.net

- P. 162/90 Reading&Listening a, b, c

identical twins: hermanos gemelos

twins stangers: dobles

unrelated: sin parentesco familiar

lookalike: parecido/similar

- P. 162/90 Vocabulary a, b

similar to: parecido a

different from: diferente a/de

the same as: igual a

look like: parecerse

look identical: parecer iguales

- Homework:

P. 162/90 Vocabulary c

P. 170/78 Vocabulary a, b



UBI 3AM (19th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 60/61 Revise&Check 3&4

Is that the shop which…: which (sustituye al sujeto u objeto)

What was the name of the shop where you bought your jacket?

I bought my jacket in…where (sustituye a un CC de lugar)

which: pronombre realtivo (sustituye a un sintagma nominal)

where: adverbio de raltivo ( sustituye a un sintagma preposicional / adeverbial)

fit: ser de tu talla

a text: un texto

to text: escribir mensajes (en un dispositivo electrónico)

part of speech: categoría gramatical

drop off: dejar a alguien en un sitio

That’s about it! Eso es todo

fairly: bastante


UBI 3AM (16th JUNE)


- Homework:

P. 62/63 Grammar a, b, c, d, e

lay-laid-laid: poner/colocar

lie-lied-lied: mentir

lie-lay-lain: tumbarse

ginger/reddish: nuestra peli

- P. 55 Listening a, b, c, d, e

set an alarm: poner una alarma

vacuum cleaner: aspiradora

- Homework:

P. 60/61 Revise&Check 3&4


UBI 4M (15th JUNE)

- Reading:


a double-decker bus: autobús de dos plantas

- Listening:


billboard: cartelera

now showing: en cartelera

coming soon: próximamente

What’s on? ¿Qué ponen? ¿Qué echan?

What time is it on? ¿A qué hora la ponen/echan?

To be on: echar una peli o programa de TV


UBI 2AM (15th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 64 Vocabulary a, b, c

wake up: despertarse

get up: levantarse

chilled: ralajado/a

busy: ocupado/a

have a shave: afeitarse

a shave: afeitado

to shave: afeitarse

walk to work: ir al trabajo caminando

get on well: llevarse bien con alguien

make up: maquillarse

take the dog for a walk: llevar el perro a pasear

walk the dog: pasear al perro

have a shower: ducharse

take a shower: ducharse

get home= arrive home

leave work: salir del trabajo

I’m at home: Estoy en casa

abandon a dog: abandonar

on my way home: de camino a casa

- P. 56 Reading&Listening a

sb: somebody

sth: something

to research: investigar

a research: investigación

available: disponible

turn off: apagar/quitar

to be away: estar fuera de casa (lejos)

one reason why: una razón por la que/cual

successful: exitoso/a

a success: éxito

to succeed: tener éxito

- Homework:

P. 56 Reading&Listening b, c, d



UBI 2BT (12th JUNE)

- Homework:

P.140 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 132 Vocabulary e

1. 116, 979 a hundred and sixteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine

114, 244

113, 660

117, 000

2. 48, 196, 693

47, 500, 000

47, 420, 000

3. by car: 2, 230 km

on foot: 1, 300, 012 km

by car: 1, 800, 072

4. Congreso: 349

Senado: 265

- P. 133 Grammar a, b

- P. 226/227 9C Comparative adjectives a

- Homework:

P. 226/227 9C Comparative adjectives b

P. 140/141 a, b, c



UBI 3BT (14th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 168/76 Grammar a, b

- P. 160/88 Pronunciation d

1. I might buy a white tie.

2. It may rain later.

3. We don’t know where to go.

4. There’s a hairdresser’s in the square.

5. Here there’s a really good idea for a souvenir.

6. The tourists are curious about Europe.

7. We’re now in a small town in the south.

8. Those noisy boys are annoying me.

- P. 161/89 Listening&Speaking a, b, c, d

- P. 161/89 Vocabulary a, b, c


UBI 4M (13th JUNE)

- Listening:


- Speaking:

What would you have liked to work in if you hadn’t work as a …?


a lawyer

a bank manager

a metalic carpenter

a university teacher

a doctor

a nurse

I would had been an actress.


UBI 2AM (13th JUNE)

4B From morning to night

- P. 56 Vocabulary a, b, c

Time sequencers

first: primero, en pirmer lugar

second: en segundo lugar

then: luego, entonces

later: más tarde

after that: después de eso

next: seguidamente, luego

finally: finalmente

I go for a walk: Voy a pasaear

I go to school on foot/walking: Voy a la escuela a pie.

chill: relajarse

chilled: relajado/a

busy: ocupado

- P. 242 Vocabulary Bank

take the dog for a walk: llevar el perro a pasear

walk the dog: pasear al perro

- P. 56 Pronunciation a, b

- P. 65 Pronunciation a, b

- Homework:

P. 64 Vocabulary a, b, c


UBI 2BT (7th JUNE)

- P. 131 Speaking a, b, c

9C Facts and figures

- P. 132 Vocabulary a, b, c, d, e

The right answer is…: La respuesta correcta es...

Wrong answer: respuesta incorrecta

-P. 234 Vocabulary Bank High numbers a, b

- P. 132 Listening a, b

- Homework:

P.140 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 132 Vocabulary e

UBI 3BT (12th JUNE)

Listening for holidays:

1. Readable (App)

2. British Council Teens:


3. Lingo Clip (canciones)

- P. 232/146 Grammar Bank 11B

- P. 160/88 Grammar g

- P. 160/88 Pronunciation a, b, c

- P. 169/77 Pronunciation a, b

- Homework:

P. 168/78 Grammar a, b


UBI 3AM (12th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 50/51 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 62 Vocabulary a, b, c

rubbish/trash/litter: basura

Liveworksheets (make vs do)

It’s something (that/which) you can take a photo/photos with.

You can take photos with a camera.

- P. 54 Grammar a, b, c, d

- P. 218/129 Grammar Bank 4A a, b

- P. 55 Pronunciation a, b, c, d

- Homework:

P. 62/63 Grammar a, b, c, d, e


UBI 3AM (9th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 50/51 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 43 Vocabulary&Speaking e: play A to Z

It stands for (letter) A.

It contains (letter) A.

Unit 4A Who does what?

- P. 54 Reading&Vocabulary a, b, c, d

- P. 240 Vocabulary Bank Housework, make or do?

dust: polvo

to dust: limpiar el polvo

- Homework:

- P. 62 Vocabulary a, b, c

Liveworksheet (make vs do)

Do or Make?

Do” y “make” son dos verbos que se confunden frecuentemente en inglés. Ambos se pueden traducir como “hacer”, pero hay algunas diferencias en su significado. En general, “do” considera más la acción, mientras que utilizando “make” nos referimos más al resultado de la acción.


Se usa “do” para acciones, actividades y trabajos. Se utiliza en un sentido amplio, como de “realizar”. En general, estas acciones y actividades no producen un objeto físico.


do homework


do a job


do the dishes


do housework


do exercise

Se utiliza “do” cuando hablamos de cosas en general, cuando no especificamos la actividad. En este sentido, se utiliza mucho con los pronombres indefinidos como “something”, “anything”, “nothing”, etc.

What are you doing today? I’m not doing anything.(¿Qué haces hoy? No hago nada.)


He’s always doing nice things for his girlfriend.(Siempre hace cosas buenas para su novia.)


Are you doing anything important right now?(¿Haces algo importante ahora mismo?)



do good(hacer el bien)


do right(hacer bien)


do wrong(hacer mal)


do damage(hacer daño)


do one’s best(hacer lo posible)


do a favor(hacer un favor)


do justice(hacer justicia)


do research(investigar)


do harm(hacer daño)


do business(hacer negocios)


do one’s hair(arreglarse el pelo)


do wonders(hacer maravillas)


Se utiliza “make” en el sentido de “fabricar”, “elaborar” o “crear”. Se usa para actividades en que se crea algo que se puede tocar, un objeto físico.


make breakfast/lunch/dinner


make a dress


make furniture

Nota: Hay muchas expresiones que utilizan “make”. En muchas de estas, el sentido de “make” no es “fabricar”, ni “hacer” y muy a menudo “do” parece más apropiado, pero son expresiones establecidas, así que hay que memorizarlas.


make a decision(tomar una decisión)


make a choice(hacer una elección)


make a plan(trazar/hacer un plan)


make arrangements(hacer preparativos)


make an appointment(pedir cita/hora, concertar una cita)


make a mistake(cometer un error)


make money(ganar dinero)


make an excuse(dar una excusa)


make an effort(hacer un esfuerzo)


make an attempt(hacer un intento)


make fun of(reírse/burlarse de)


make progress(hacer progresos)


make an offer(hacer una oferta)


make [a] noise(hacer [un] ruido)


make peace(firmar la paz)


make war(hacer la guerra)


make a phone call(hacer una llamada)


make an exception(hacer una excepción)


make a confession(hacer una confesión)


make a discovery(hacer un descubrimiento)


make a change(hacer un cambio)


make amends(reparar el daño [causado al alguien]/desagraviar a)


make a comment(hacer un comentario)


make a statement(hacer una declaración/afirmación)


make a speech(pronunciar/hacer un discurso)


make a difference(hacer diferencias/marcar la [una] diferencia)


make friends(hacer amigos)


make love(hacer el amor)


make a fire(encender un fuego)


make an impression(causar impresión)


make a mess(hacer un lío)


make a point(dar un argumento concreto)


make a promise(hacer una promesa)


make a suggestion(hacer una sugerencia)


make time(encontrar tiempo)


make the bed(hacer la cama)



UBI 4M (8th JUNE)

- Vocabulary&Pronunciation





I can: Puedo

I am able to : Soy capaz de

pour: verter

spill: derramar

oil slick: vertido de petroleo

- Reading&Pronunciation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bf_XbXe5fg&t=374s

UBI 2AM (8th JUNE)


- Homework:

P. 62/63 Vocabulary a, b, c, d

She’s Leo and Mia’s daughter.

She’s Mia’s niece.

She’s Mia’s sister’s daughter.

She’s Emily and Mike’s daughter.

My brothers’ names are…

My brother-in-law’s name is Emilio.

My grandchildren’s names are…

My son’s name’s Carlos.

My niece’s name is…

It’s Carlos’s car.

My nieces’ names are…

My niece’s name is…

- P. 55 Vocabulary b

- P. 55 Pronunciation a, b, c, d

- P. 63 Pronunciation a, b, c, d

earn: ganar dinero

win: ganar

cross out: tachar

- P. 55 Listening&Speaking a, b, c

Who’s that?

How old is she?

What does she do?

Where does she live?

Is she married?

Does she have children?

Where is she from?

- Homework:



UBI 2BT (7th JUNE)

- Liveworksheet.

- P. 131 Reading a, b, c, d

de-ice: descongelar

% per cent: por ciento

packaging: envases

though: aunque

UBI 3BT (7th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 167/75 Grammar c, d

I used to like maths (the) most.

I used to like my maths teacher (the) most.

I didn’t use to hate any teacher.

I didn’t use to hate any subject/anyone. 

- neither...nor: ni...ni (negative)

I didn’t use to like neither my maths nor my literature teacher.

- either...or: o...o (positive)

I used to like either my maths or my literature teacher.

P. 159/87 Listening&Speaking e

We had such a good time there.ç

At the beginning: al principio

At the end: al final

break time: recreo

11B Help! I can’t decide!

- P. 160/88 Grammar a, b, c, d,

- Homework:

P. 232/146 Grammar Bank 11B

P. 233/147 Grammar Bank 11B a, b

Grammar rules for Modals:

Modal verbs don't work the same way main verbs do. Here are some of the grammatical features that make them special:

1. Modal verbs don't add -s to third person singular forms.

For example:

It might start at 7 PM.
He can ride a bicycle.

2. In all tenses, even simple present and simple past, you use not to form the negative (rather than do + not)

For example:

She would not forget her daughter's birthday.
We could not miss the party!

3. Questions are formed through inversion.

For example:

We would read the newspaper everyday if we had a subscription.
Would we read the newspaper everyday if we had a subscription?

4. Typically, modal verbs don't conform to tense rules like other verbs. They don't change to show future or past tense

For example:

They had to practice long hours.
Incorrect Example:*They musted practice long hours.*

For example:

The students will be able to speak Spanish.
Incorrect example: *The students will can speak Spanish.*

5. Lastly, and most characteristically, modal verbs are followed by the bare infinitive of the main verb - the form without "to."

For example:

You could eat dinner earlier.


UBI 4M (6th JUNE)

5th JUNE World Environment Day

- Video&Listening&Reading:


motto=slogan Let’s do better #BeatPlasticPollution

- Speaking: How to beat plastic pollution? Daily solutions

- Homework:






UBI 2AM (6th JUNE)


- Homework:

P. 62 Grammar a, b, c, d, e

- P. 241 Vocabulary Bank The family a, b, c

husband: marido

couple: pareja (de dos)

partner: pareja (una persona)

parents: padres

relatives: parientes

parents-in-law: suegros

father-in-law: suegro

mother-in-law: suegra

siblings: hermanos (en general)

stepdaughter: hijastra


stepmother: madrastra

stepfather: padrastro

- Homework:

P. 62/63 Vocabulary a, b, c, d

UBI 2BT (5th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 138 Vocabulary a, b, c

fizzy drink: refresco

take out: sacar

P. 139 Grammar a, b, c

- P. 130 Grammar f

- P. 130 Pronunciation a, b, c

- P. 138 Pronuncaition a, b, c, d

- P. 130 Pronuncaition a, b, c,

- P. 138 Pronuncaition a, b, c, d

- Homework:




UBI 3BT (5th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 166/74 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 167/75 Grammar a, b

chemistry: química

chemist’s: farmacia

pharmacy: farmacy

drug store: farmacia

scene: escena

sin: pecado

- P. 159/87 Pronunciation a, b, c

- P. 167/75 Pronunciation a, b

- P. 159/87 Listening&Speaking a, b, c, d

- P. 221/124 Transcript 11.7

football pitch: campo de fútbol

tennis court: pista de tenis

athletic track: pista de atletismo

- Homework:

P. 159/87 Listening&Speaking e

P. 167/75 Grammar c, d


UBI 3AM (5th JUNE)

- Homework:

P. 50 a, b, c, d, e

I like going to places that I haven’t been to before.

I don’t like watching films which violence is the main theme/topic.

sci-fi is the main theme/topic.

are based on sci-fi.

I’d like to live in a house which has

is up in a hill over the beach.

on the seashore.

my own rooftop.

I’d= I would

In general, my friends are people who like music.

Hiking: senderismo

- P. 43 Vocabulary&Speaking parapharasing a, b, c, d, e

It’s like a: Es como

It’s similar to: Es como/ Es igual a/Es parecido a

- Homework:

P. 50/51 Vocabulary a, b, c

P. 43 Vocabulary&Speaking e: play A to Z

Unit 3 Test